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How do you gather your data?

We gather data against core business themes; market size & dynamics, workforce, taxes, operational costs and investment. For each theme we gather multiple data sources to build an accurate picture. For example, workforce data includes analysis of industry reports, national statistics and LinkedIn.

The majority of our data is updated annually, for example when new industry reports are published. And data is refreshed as Tax rates change or where we have API data access.

What is included and how much are the Market Entry Reports?

Navigator provides you with core data on your industry for free. Our Market Entry Reports offer you client & partner connections, detailed market data, competitor analysis, regulatory details and best practice, all based upon your company’s requirements. In principle this becomes your strategic bible for your first 18 months.

Costs are based upon how much you need.
For example, we have worked with software companies who want to build a development team and require detailed exploration of the availability and cost of the blockchain workforce in London, and compare Londom to other locations, to reinforce that is the correct location. This report cost £4750.

LifeSciences, companies we have worked with required data on the adoption and regulation of specific medical procedures, contacts within the health service, partner connections, competitor price analysis, VC contacts and University analysis / contacts. These reports cost £10,500.

We also have clients who benefit from
creating individual reports based upon timely requirements, i.e. a set of client contacts or a report on active angels & VCs.

How have you tested your partners?

Our partners are selected for their industry expertise and experience of working with companies new to UK.

Testing our partners is simple as we constantly gather feedback from companies of their experiences. Also, we actually use these partners for our recruitment, accounting, banking, legal, PR & marketing.

Can you help me if I want to Locate elsewhere in UK?

Yes, we understand the opportunities across the UK and have comparable data to help you explore locations of interest.

Additionally, we are connected to teams
within each UK city who will help you explore operating, recruiting and getting connected in their region.